Seeing and unseeing
When Frodo sees the naked eye of Sauron, it made a lasting impression and he could not forget it. There was no way for him to unsee it, and he dreaded putting on the ring ever since. When we are exposed to a movie, a news item, or this devotional, it becomes a part of us. Good or bad, we cannot unsee it. We have a preconceived attitude about our decisions, so when we choose to watch or read something, there is an inate tendency and we are biased because of our decision.
Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to take every thought captive, to make it obedient to Christ. We cannot pretend we can ignore things: we have to take a stand.
Next time you are given the choice to click a link, read a news item, or stream a movie, be ready to assess it and to make a decision to either discard or accept it. Over time, you’ll get better at this, right?