
“Those filthy thieves! They stole the precious from us,” Gollom says, as he reasons what he should do. The sad tale of Sméagol is one where his desires cause murder, regressing into more desires and violence, and ultimately his own death.
Many places in the Bible, it is made plain that stealing is not condoned in any way. James 1:15 states: After desire has conceived it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Sin is dangerous: God warns Cain that sin is crouching at the door – looking less dangerous than it really is – and that Cain must subdue it; Paul warns Timothy to flee from youthful lusts.
Often we do sense the danger in what starts as an innocent thought. We have an opportunity to deal with it ruthlessly, while it is still small.
What do you think you should deal with today?