
Psalm 103:8-10

“Bilbo Baggins! I’m not here to rob you, I’m here to help you”. Gandalf is angry at Bilbo. Not for wanting to keep the ring, but for the words he said. Gandalf is in control of his anger, instead of being controlled by it, and he properly identified the cause: Bilbo insinuating that Gandalf wants it for himself, which comes from him succumbing to the ring’s powers and projecting his desires on Gandalf.

The Bible mentions that God, too, can be angry, and it is made clear that it is interwoven with His grace: He gives us a way out of the cause of it. The more we rely on God, the more the power that our sin holds over us is diminished. Being angry about the right issue for the right reason can bring about change. So be careful and be quick to forgive, but do understand what it is for.

When were you angry last, and was it for selfish reasons?